Wednesday 19 August 2009

Bad Company 2 Details

Gameplay in Bad Company 2 resembles that of Battlefield: Bad Company and takes place in the mountainous regions along the border of Russia among other places. Bad Company 2 will include locations in dense jungles and also sandy deserts within both story mode and multiplayer mode. The game allows players to play through missions using any tactic they choose. Like its predecessor, Bad Company 2 features destructible environments, however, more destruction is now possible; players can now completely destroy a building rather than just its walls (Whole fucking building's collapse including when taking the gold crate the walls give way so you have to EVAC quicksharp !!!). EA has stated that "micro-destruction", things like making small bullet holes in walls, etc., has been added. Bad Company is the second Battlefield game to have blood in it

Multiplayer will allow players to choose from weapon kits, which have been 'cut' from five kits to four kits since the first game, which includes "Assault", "Engineer", "Recon", and "Medic"; these are chosen before each spawn (NO SPEC !!! but in the multiplayer vids someone is using a PP 2000 ??? )
A new customizable weapon selection menu is also new to the series giving players the choice of different ACOG's or Reflex sights including short or long barrel grenade launchers; these are also chosen before each match (About time we got personal kits)
Each match will give players experience points allowing them to level to multiple ranks as they did in the previous series. Experience points will be gained by each opponent killed and destroying the objectives. The points gained will be displayed in the screen
A dog tag system will allow players to collect an opponent's tag when killing by melee
Vehicles spotted new to the game are Black Hawk choppers with Gattling guns (At last a stable vehicle to assault a flag with, i hope they have brought parachutes back for some SPEC styled stealth drops) and a mobile AA vehicle that looks like its a bad ass for taking out buildings.
Instead of the usual healthpacks you now have a difibulator to zap downed team mates back to life.

Fan voted, WWII-era weapons from Battlefield 1943 will be included in the game, but only owners of the game will get access to them in online play (Ooooh like i really wanna face up to someone with a UMP me with a fucking Thompson or a M1 Carbine . . . . .WHAT ???)

Street date for Battlefield Bad Company 2 of March 2, 2010 (WHAT THE FUCK ??? In the videos they talk about it being a November date)

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